
If you’re anything like me, you don’t know what all the mumbo-jumbo legal terms mean on a lot of websites/blogs these days. I thought it might be a good idea to break down what these terms actually mean so it is crystal clear!

Throughout my blog posts, you’ll see terms like “Sponsored Post/Trip” and “Affiliate Links.”

Feel to ask me any questions you may have about this!

Taking a Photo of Glacier National Park in Wyoming, USA From the Top of the Car.jpg

Sponsored post/trip

Sometimes I will partner with brands that I am passionate about and they will actually fund a specific trip or post, meaning they paid for it. I absolutely will only work with brands/destinations that fit within my goals here at Wise Wanderings and are quality brands. I will never recommend something I have not personally used and loved.

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Affiliate Links

Occasionally, I’ll recommend items in posts with an affiliate link. All this means is if you click the link and purchase something from the website, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This can be for products or even hotels that I’ve stayed at. As always, I never will recommend a place I haven’t actually stayed at or a product I haven’t actually used personally!

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